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Q: What does the outer layer of the joint capsule produce?
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What sticky outer layer produced by bacteria?

the answer to that is Capsule

What is the outer most layers of the kidney?

renal fascia (outer layer), perirenal fat capsule, fibrous capsule (inner layer)

What is the medical term meaning outer layer of the kidney?

the outer layer of the kidney is fibrus capsule which surrounding the kidney.Bowman's CapsuleCortexThis is the cortex.

What is the difference of capsule from capsid?

Capsule refers to the outer protective layer of the BACTERIA. Capsid refers to the outer layer of the VIRUS.

Is fibrous a membrane?

The outer fibrous part of the capsule of a synovial joint that may be thickened in places to form capsular ligaments. Anytime dude The outer fibrous part of the capsule of a synovial joint that may be thickened in places to form capsular ligaments. Anytime dude

Is the outer covering of viruses a capsid made of chitin?

A virus consists of two layers:1. Outer Layer: Capsule - The outer layer of a virus.2. Inner Layer: Hereditary - genetic material made of DNA/RNA

Tough outer lining that encases the kidney?

The renal capsule surrounds the kidneys. It is made of a tough connective tissue that also helps to protect them.

What does a capsule do in a moneran?

A capsule protects the cell wall with a sticky outer layer in a moneran. It also is used to help them stick to the surface of rocks, teeth, and host cells.

What is a description of the three sections of the lens?

The nucleus is in the center of the lens, the cortex surrounds the nucleus, and the capsule is the outer layer.

What is the difference between a tablet and a capsule?

A capsule has an outer casing which holds the designated substance within. A tablet has no such outer layer.

What part of the bacterium can protect it from phagocytosis by white blood cells?

The capsule of the bacterium can protect it from phagocytosis by white blood cells. The capsule is a thick, outer layer made of polysaccharides that can make the bacterium difficult to engulf by phagocytes, thus enabling it to evade the immune response.

What is the name of the outer region of the kidney deep to the renal capsule?

outer cortex