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Q: What does the painting The Death of Marat mean?
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What painting was based on a true incident and conveyed an obvious political statement?

Death of Marat

Davids painting of Morat?

Jacques-Louis David immortalized the French Revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat in his painting The Death of Marat. Marat was murdered by Charlotte Corday.

What was written on the paper in Marat's hands?

One presumes you mean, in David's painting of the Death of Marat. The letter in his hand is from Charlotte Corday (the girl who stabbed him), making an appointment for the fatal meeting.

What does the painting 'Death of Marat' depict?

Surprisingly, perhaps, for a piece of art, the title of the piece actually describes what is shows. In the "Death of Marat", Jacques Louis David paints the scene of Jean-Paul Marat's assassination, which took place while Marat was bathing.

When was The Death of Marat created?

The Death of Marat was created in 1793.

Which sentiment expressed in David's painting Death of Marat caused it to become a symbol of the French Revolution?


What was the purpose of the painting the death of marat?

The dead man in the painting, Jean-Paul Marat, was a comrade of the artist, Jacques-Louis David, during the French Revolution. Marat was a journalist and a radical who was known for rallying people for the revolt, and was ultimately murdered by Charlotte Corday, (mentioned in the note Marat is holding in the painting). Corday felt that by killing Marat, thousands of deaths in the name of the revolution could be avoided. The purpose could be interpreted as a memorial to the artist's friend as well as a political statement for the horrendous occurrences brought about from the French Revolution.

What work of art tells story of a man who was murdered in his bath?

The painting "The Death of Marat" by Jacques-Louis David depicts the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat in his bath. The artwork captures the tragic moment when Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday in 1793.

What kind of reactions would a painting of Marat addressing the people produce among viewers in the salon?

The reactions of viewers in the Salon to a painting of Marat addressing the people would depend on who the viewers were. If, for example, they were followers of Marat's, they would probably not have the same reaction as people who wer not his followers.

Painting of a dead man in a bathtub by Goya?

I don't recall a painting by Goya with this subject matter. Perhaps you are thinking of The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David? This was painted in 1793 and is in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels.

What does the Hebrew word marat mean?

marat (מרט) = "to pluck [hair or feathers]"

Achievements of Marat?

He managed to get stabbed to death in his bath tub by a kitchen knife.