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it sound like a floote. its a long instrument

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Kulintang is made of a row of small, horizontally laid gongs that are played with a mallet. The gongs are typically made of bronze or brass and are arranged in a wooden frame.

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Membranophones are things like drums which require a skin to make a sound, and idiophones make a sound using only the body of the instrument itseld, like castanets or a xylophone.

Do you blow into any brass instruments?

No not really, you buzz into the mouthpiece to create a sound. Blowing into a brass instrument like you would for a woodwind instrument that has a reed will not produce any sound.

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It's a little device you put in the bell of a brass instrument to change the sound. It comes out as quieter and sounds like the instrument has a cold

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Uh...what? There's gotta be a million songs like that. Be specific.

What does the tuba sound like?

The tuba is a bass instrument. The trombone is a tenor instrument.