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Passive Transport is the movement of molecules down a concentration gradient from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached. Some examples are diffusion and osmosis. Basically, it's a movement of molecules across a membrane that doesn't require energy (ATP)

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Q: What does the passive in passive transport mean?
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Passive transport & follow me on Twitter at BruhMann_

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Passive transport and active transport are transport of materials across membranes. Passive requires no energy, while active does.

Transport that does not use energy?

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Passive Transport, i think.

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passive transport does not need energy. And two types of passive tansport are osmosis and diffusion

What is meant by passive transport of material across a membrane?

"Passive" mean that it does not require energy, therefore the passive transport of material across the membrane means that it can transport the material (cells or whatever) without the function of energy across the membrane.

What is differs between active transport and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

The difference between active transport and passive transport is?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.