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"Ring around a rosie,

a pocket full of posies.

Ashes, ashes,

we all fall down."

A common misconception is that the nursery "Ring Around the Rosie" has to do with the black plague of the 14th century. The premise of that misconception is that: "The 'ring around a rosie' refers to the round, red rash that is the first symptom of the disease. The practice of carrying flowers and placing them around the infected person for protection is described in the phrase, 'a pocket full of posies.' 'Ashes' is a corruption or imitation of the sneezing sounds made by the infected person. Finally, 'we all fall down' describes the many dead resulting from the disease."

However, according to the researchers at, "Ring Around the Rosie" is a simple nursery rhyme of indefinite origin and has no specific meaning."

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14y ago
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2mo ago

The words to "Ring a Ring o' Roses" are: "Ring a ring o' roses, a pocket full of posies, a-tishoo, a-tishoo, we all fall down." The song dates back to the 18th century and is believed to be about the Great Plague. "Ring a ring o' roses" refers to the rash that would appear on those infected, "a pocket full of posies" suggests that people would carry flowers to mask the smell of illness, and "a-tishoo, a-tishoo" imitates sneezing, a symptom of the illness.

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13y ago

Contrary to what many believe this is NOT about the plague. Like many attempts to attribute precise historical meaning to nursary rhymes this doesn't 'hold water'. It was first advanced in 1961 by the popular novelist James Leasor in his racy account of life in seventeenth-century London, The Plague and the Fire. Until then there was no obvious connection (and absolutely no evidence) that the rhyme had been sung in this form for almost 400 years as a way of preserving the traumas of the plague.

That's because it hadn't. The very earliest recorded version comes from Massachusetts in 1790:

Ring a ring a rosie

A bottle full of posie,

All the girls in our town

Ring for little Josie.

There French, German and even Gaelic version. Several have a second verse where everyone gets up again; others mention wedding bells, pails of water, birds, steeples, Jacks, Jills and other favourite nursary images. The most likely theory behind this nursary rhyme is that it developed with the ring game 'Ring a ring o' roses' (as ring-games were a staple-element of parties in a Protestant, eighteenth-century Brittain and America where dancing was forbidden), which still prevales as one of the most common ring games to this date.

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13y ago

the rhyme is referred to the black death

ring a ring of roses was for the buboes that were red as a rose and very big

a pocket full a poses was for the fact that the people used to keep a poses herb in their pocket believing it would keep the plaque away

a tissue a tissue was for the symptoms they had

we all fall down was for the dying part of their lives

hope I've helped

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13y ago

well ring a round the Rosie's a pocket full of posies a tissue a tissue they all fall down is based on measles or a particular disease and when they go a tissue a tissue they are obviously sneezing and when they fall down they are ...dead

so the answer to your question is ring around the Rosie's is describing a disease caught by a person who spreads it on and then all of them die.

with a little more info

if you want to find out more info or you don't trust this then you'll have to look it up very thoroughly

bye hope you liked my answer if you wanna find out more different questions then send me emails on


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12y ago

Ring a ring a rosey a pocket full of Poseys tshoof tshufff we all fall down. It is a song that was made up in England during the plague epidemic and one of the symptoms of the plague was that you got a rash around your neck a.k.a a rosey (I'm not shore if they called it a rosey because that was maybe where you would were a rosary necklace) not shore. And a pocket full of poseys is a bunch of flowers that you would put on some one when they died and the tshoof shuff thing is were everybody dies of the plague. I think the tshooff tshaff suggests sneezing.

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9y ago

There are several interpretations of the nursery rhyme.
"A pocket full of posies" is said to allude to the belief at the time that the flowers had some medicinal properties and would ward off the plague. Most folklorists dismiss this idea.

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11y ago

typically, an inflamed ring forms around the red raised pustules of the Bubonic Plague. "ring around the rosies (red pustules), pocket full of posies, ashes ashes, all fall down (die)"

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13y ago

Cycle of the Bubonic Plague

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