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It says that the Slavs invited the Viking chief Rurik to be their king. So in 862, he founded Novgorod, Russia's first important city.

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Q: What does the primary chronicle say about rurik and the origin of novgorod?
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What does The Primary Chronicle say about the Rurik and the origin of Novgorod?

It says that the Slavs invited the Viking chief Rurik to be their king. So in 862, he founded Novgorod, Russia's first important city.

What does the primary chronicle say about rurik and the Novgorod?

The Primary Chronicle references Rurik as the Varangian chieftain invited to rule over Novgorod in the late 9th century. It portrays Novgorod as the city where Rurik established his dynasty, known as the Rurik Dynasty, laying the foundation for the state of Kievan Rus'.

What is the capital of Rurik?

The capital of Rurik is Novgorod, a historic city in Russia known for its cultural and architectural significance.

What country did Rurik come from?

Rurik (IX century) - Viking, the mythical founder of Novgorod and the royal Rurik dynasty that ruled Russia until the end of the XVI century. Rurik came at the invitation of such tribes as the Chud, Slovenes at Lake Ilmen Krivichy and veаs with his clan, that called Rus, ethnicity is still debated. Russian chronicle claims that he was not and neither Norman nor Swed, neither Britain nor Goth. DNA tests of Y-chromosome representatives of the Rurik dynasty confirms that he may have derived from the Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes. Russian chronicles say that he came from across the sea, that is, from Scandinavia.

What was the first civilization called?

Rurik began the first Russian settlement in Novgorod, Garðaríki in 882. It was comprised of the Eastern Slavs and the Finno-Ugric people.

What was the first Russian civilization?

Rurik began the first Russian settlement in Novgorod, Garðaríki in 882. It was comprised of the Eastern Slavs and the Finno-Ugric people.

What was the first Russian civilization called?

Rurik began the first Russian settlement in Novgorod, Garðaríki in 882. It was comprised of the Eastern Slavs and the Finno-Ugric people.

Who established the first Russian state?

The Viking prince Rurik established a Varangian presence in Novgorod around 862 AD. His successor, Oleg of Novgorod, moved the capital to Kiev sometime between 882 and 920, where it developed into the Kievan Rus region of Russian rule.

Did the Viking's ever reach Ukraine?

Yes, they did. The Rurik dynasty of the Kievan Rus was of Nordic origin

When did Rurik die?

Rurik died in 879.

What is the birth name of Rurik Ekroos?

Rurik Ekroos's birth name is Artur Rurik Ekroos.

When did Rurik Rostislavich die?

Rurik Rostislavich died in 1215.