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Q: What does the quote 'they smell even worse when they burn' from The Boy in the Striped Pajamas show?
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Are sanitary conditions getting better or worse?


Is gun violence getting worse?

Depends on what you define as gun violence and where you look. Subjectively: It is getting worse in UK, despite near-total gun ban. It is not getting worse in US.

What would cause a sulfur smell in the hot water when the cold water does not smell and the hot and cold water in a house supplied by the same well water also doesn't smell?

you most likely have lime build up in your hot water heater. you need to flush it out and change the heating elements. Water heaters often have a sacrificial rod in them that is installed to prolong the life of the heater. This rod brakes down over time and in the right water condition can make a veary bad smell in your water. I have seen it back up into the cold water feed line and make it small bad also. It will often be worse with the more time that has passed with no use of the water from the heater. This rod is installed from the top and there is usually an access so that the rod can be removed or replaced.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Quotes?

Quotes from "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" directed by Mark HermanRalf: "I'm a soilder, soilders fight war."Elsa: "That's not war!"Ralf: "It's a vital part of it!"Lieutanant Kotler: "They smell worse when they burn don't they?"Grandmother: "I sometimes wonder if this is all down to me, making you those costumes for your little plays when you were tiny. You used to adore all that dressing up. Does it still make you feel special, Ralph dear? The uniform... and what it stands for?"Ralf: "Mother. It's a party. Let's not spoil it."Grandmother: "Ha! Me? Spoil things?"Ralf: "You should be careful. Airing your views so publicly could land you in trouble. You know that."Grandfather: "You know, Ralf, your mother really is sick. She's been talking about this visit for weeks."Elsa: "Maybe that's what's made her sick."

What is the worse bey blade?
