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C.S. Lewis was raised a nominal Christian and gave up his faith as a young child. For most of his young adulthood, Lewis believed that science had proven religion unnecessary and had in fact described the development of religion in a sensible way. A big issue for him was that of suffering: how could a good and loving God let so many terrible things happen and continue, in history and in the natural world?

His spiritual autobiography "Surprised by Joy" describes how and why he converted. (It was a long process and involved a number of circumstances and people including J.R.R. Tolkien. Lewis did not want to become a Christian but could not help it based on how he was led to understand a number of things; he referred to himself later as "the most reluctant convert in all England.")

The short : when he came to believe it, Christianity explained not only the problem of pain but also those of joy, wonder, and a longing for something we can't quite put our fingers on (U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" comes to mind). The worldview represented by faith in Christ reconciled much of the issues of the human condition.

C.S Lewis, who had been an avowed atheist, became a Christian when it became apparent to him that God's existence and the historicity of The Bible were true - thus, his life was illuminated by belief in Christ. More than that, his new belief illuminated every other area of life and provided s that had previously evaded him. He now had a Christian worldview, the outlook of which had seemed incomprehensible before his life was illuminated by belief in Christ.

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This quote by C.S. Lewis reflects his belief in the foundational role of Christianity in shaping his worldview. Just as the sun illuminates everything, Christianity serves as the lens through which he interprets the world. The quote emphasizes a deep faith that goes beyond mere physical observation to encompass a profound spiritual perspective.

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Q: What does the quote I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen Not only because I see it but because I see everything by it by C.S. Lewis mean?
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