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Q: What does the radula do in a squid?
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What is the function of the squid radula?

The purpose of the radula of a squid or a snail is similar to that of a tooth. It is part of the equivalent of the tongue, and abrades hard bits from their prey.

How does a squid taste?

Their mouth contains a "radula" for this purpose.

What is the function of a squids radula?

The purpose of the radula of a squid or a snail is similar to that of a tooth. It is part of the equivalent of the tongue, and abrades hard bits from their prey.

What is the function of a squid beak?

The purpose of the radula of a squid or a snail is similar to that of a tooth. It is part of the equivalent of the tongue, and abrades hard bits from their prey.

Do oysters have a radula?

No. Oysters do not have a radula

Class without the radula in molluscs?

Bivalves do not have a radula.

Why are squid considered to be mollusks?

The three primary characteristics of mollusks are a mantle with a cavity for breathing and excretion, a radula, and the structure of the nervous system. Squid and other cephalopods have all of these characteristics.

What type of mollusk does not have a radula?

The radula (or some form of the radula) is found in all classes of mollusks except bivalves (organisms with two shells such as clams).

Is a radula a foot?

No it is not.

Do cephalopods have a radula?

Yes they do

What is an invertebrate that uses a radula to acquire its nutrients?

both slugs and snails use a structure called a radula to eat.

What are the main parts of a squid?

Main parts of a squid are accesory heart, anus, arm, brain, digestive gland, esophogus, gill, heart, ink sac, internal shell, jaw, kidney, mantle, radula, reproductive organ, siphon, stomach, and testicles. ffuk