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The rattle on a rattlesnake is used by the snake to warn potential predators that the snake is there and he will bite. Rattlesnakes get a new segment on their rattle every time they shed their skin, typically only a few times a year.

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8y ago

It is thought that rattlesnakes evolved at a time when the North American continent was covered by huge herds of hoofed mammals. The snakes were in constant danger of being trampled upon and injured or killed. The rattle evolved as a warning device for the snakes to let these animals know of their location and avoid a confrontation that could have a negative outcome for both.

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Q: What does the rattle in a rattlesnake's tail mean?
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Related questions

Where is the rattlesnakes rattle?

The end of it's tail

What do rattlesnakes do when they see a person somewhere?

Rattle their tail

Is there venom in a rattlesnakes rattle?

no, venom is in the head not the tail

Are rattlesnakes native to African savanna?

True rattlesnakes (with a rattle on the tip of their tail) are not found in Africa.

Do rattlesnakes have tails?

It wouldn't be a rattle snake or snake without a tail. Would it??

What are the physical characteristics of rattlesnakes?

The most familiar physical characteristic of a rattlesnake is the rattle on the snakes tail. Rattlesnakes also of scales which cover the entire body.

How do rattlesnakes form their rattle?

The rattlesnake's menacing sound comes from its rattle tail. The rattle is composed of a series of nested, hollow beads which are actually modified scales from the tail tip. The rattling occurs when the snakes are threatened.

How do rattlesnakes rattle?

The sections at the end of their tail are hollow and loosely connected to each other. The Rattlesnake vibrates its tail when annoyed or disturbed - causing the loose sections to rub together - which we hear as the characteristic rattle.

Do rattlesnakes rattle when pregnant?

Rattlesnakes give live birth - they are ovoviviparous. Yes, they will rattle while gravid.

How do rattlesnakes defend themselves against predators?

They'll coil up into a defensive position and rattle their tail and will often strike out with their fangs .

How do diamondback rattlesnakes rattle their tails to make it sound?

They vibrate their tail about 50 times per second. The loose segments of the rattle then produce a buzzing sound as they rub against each other.

When do rattlesnakes get there rattle?

Well, they are born with their rattle. And everytime the snake sheds another rattle is added.