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Q: What does the rocky mountain spotted fever look like?
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How dangerous is a tick bite?

Ticks can carry a number of diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These are serious and potentially fatal diseases, but they are uncommon in most areas.

What does rickettsia rickettsii look like?

Rickettsia rickettsii is a virus strain that causes the malady known as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It is circular to ovoid in shape and stains well in Indigotine dye, showing no other visible internal features.

How does rocky mountain feel like?


What is the surface in a rocky mountain?

it would mostly be like ice snow and mountain part of it

What is the envirment like in the rocky mountain region?

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What does the rocky mountain taste like?

You might just like them. but to me they are growdy :( 8========D J.A.G.

Who the mascot on Denver nuggets team?

Rocky, the Nuggets Mascot, is a mountain lion named after the Rocky Mountains, the largest mountain chain in North America that runs right through the state of Colorado, where the Nuggets play.

What does the inside of a mountain look like?

it is very earthy, rocky (not the boxer) and it is also very dark if you live in the mountain with no electricity.

Is it okay to not treat parasite in dogs?

No, it's not. Parasite infestation can lead to a multitude of diseases like: * Pruritus * Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) * Tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) * Anemia * Lyme disease * Human granulocytic and monocytic ehrlichiosis * Babesiosis * Relapsing fever * Rocky Mountain spotted fever * Colorado tick fever * Tularemia * Q fever * Tick paralysis If you really care for your pet, take the time to rid it of parasites and avoid these diseases. If you don't, do it for your own sake. Remember, most parasites do not care to which breed their host belongs -- they can be canine or human. I suggest you consult your vet before you need to consult a physician.

Where can I buy Rocky Mountain themed gifts?

Rocky Mountain themed gifts can be found around Christmas time. They can be bought in Walmart, or large department stores like Burlington and other places.

Is there wild life around the Rocky Mountains?

Yes like mountain goats and deer

Why do people eat rocky mountain oysters?

because some people may like them