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The good things in life are worth the bad.

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Q: What does the saying for the benefit of the flowers we water the thorns too mean?
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Do water lillies have thorns?

Yes, Victoria Cruziana have thorns on the underside of their leaves and on their stems.

What was wrong with Aristotle method of classifiction?

Aristotle's method of classification relied on subjective characteristics and did not always consider evolutionary relationships. It also lacked a systematic approach and did not account for variations within species. Additionally, his classification system was static and did not allow for changes over time.

What is the function of leaves on a cactus?

defence. the cacti leaves are the thorns...

How do you kill crown of thorns starfish?

put a poison water snail on it :-)

Why do cactus leaves look like thorns?

The thorns or Spines allow less water to beevaporated through transpirationby shading plant...answered by:happy smily

Why do desert plan have thorns?

it is their evolutionary defense against attackers. In a desert environment, water is very scarce. Therefore, every small amount of water absorbed by plants is indispensable to plant survival. The purpose of thorns is to protect the fleshy stems (which contain water) of the cactus from predators.

Can bees get water from flowers?

Yes, bees can get water from flowers. Flowers may hold dew or raindrops among or on their petals.

Benefit of water in fermented food?

benefit of water in fermented food

Why do people put a aspirin in the water for a christmas tree or flowers?

There are many different oppinions but over all what most people are saying is that you keep the water ratio higher than the aspirin ratio. Hope I helped. ; D

Why do flowers drink cold water quicker than warm water?

Flowers drink cold water faster.

Why can flowers last long in water?

Flowers absorb water through their roots. When they are cut and put in water, they continue to absorb water.

An adaptation that helps a plant retain water in an area with little rainfall?

spines and thorns