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Protect Internal Organs,Produce Blood Cells,Stores Minerals,Allows Movement

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Q: What does the sketetal system do besides provides shape and support for the body?
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What are the main functions of the sketetal system?

Support, Protect, articulate. The skeletal system supports the weight of the organism, provides attachments for muscles, which allows movement, and inside the bones is bone marrow, where blood cells are produced.

What organs work with the sketetal system?

The skeletal system works with muscles to allow movement, protect organs, and provide structure to the body. Additionally, the skeletal system interacts with the circulatory system to produce blood cells in the bone marrow and store minerals like calcium.

What organ system provides a framework of support for the body?

The skeletal system provides the framework to support the body.

what system provides rigid support by the body?

The skeletal system gives rigid support to the body.

What system provides support and the levers on which the muscular system acts?

The skeletal system

Which system provides the body with shape and support?

The skeletal system provides the body with shape and support. It is made up of bones that give structure and protect internal organs while allowing for movement and flexibility.

What support does the respiratory System provide for the cell?

the respiratory system provides oxygen for them

What organ system provides support and protects organs?


What system provides for movement and support?

the skeletal system supports our body structure and provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement.

What system system provides support movement and protection It also contains red bone marrow and provides a storage site for calcium?

That system is called as skeletal system.

How do the functions of the skeletal system system relate to the functions of the muscular system?

The functions of the skeletal system and the muscular system support each other. They relate to one another because the skeletal system provides structure and support while the muscular system provides the power needed for movement.

What system produces blood cells and provides support and protection?
