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Q: What does the slang word vine refer to?
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What does fleek mean?

Fleek is a slang word that is mainly used on the video website, Vine. It means to be on point.

What does the slang term 'cabels' refer to?

Cabels, a mis-spelling of the word cables, is an American slang word for Police handcuffs. Other slang word for handcuffs include: bracelets and cuffs.

What are meanings of 'puss'?

It is a slang word for "CAT". It can also refer to "pussy" a slang word for vagina. Or, it might be a misspelling of pus, which is a fluid that forms in an infection.

Is the word guy is a slang?

Yes, the word "guy" can be considered slang. It is commonly used to refer to a man or an individual in a casual or informal manner.

Is optionality a proper word or slang?

Optionality is a legitimate word used in finance and business to refer to the presence of options or choices within a given situation. It is not slang.

Is the word geezer slang?

Yes, the word "geezer" is considered slang. It is often used informally to refer to an older man, typically one who is portrayed as eccentric or quirky.

Does the word Mush actually refer to the head toes or face?

In Britain, the word 'mush' is sometimes used as informal slang to refer to a person's mouth or face.

What is the Australian slang word for a kangaroo?

Australians often refer to kangaroos as simply 'roos.

What does dip mean in Aussie slang?

The word dip has several meanings in Aussie slang. It could refer to a pickpocket, a bucket, to spend money or cheekiness.

Why do guys refer to themselves as dudes?

The word "dude" is a slang term used mostly in the United States. This term has traditionally been used to refer to men. More recently, it has become a word used for both genders. Most guys don't refer to themselves as dudes but refer to each other that way. It is a slang way to say "friend".

What is diddy slang for?

"Diddy" is slang for a small amount or something that is minor or of little importance. It can also be used to refer to something that is cute or endearing.

Is the word Nam a slang of gangster?

No, the word "Nam" is not typically associated with gangster slang. It is a casual term used to refer to the country Vietnam, often in a nostalgic or informal context.