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Unless you are looking at a nearby object like the earth or moon it is solid black except for stars -- many more stars than you can see through the atmosphere of earth.

lalala chicken is good=)

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it's metal and the colors are yellow and gray

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Q: What does the space station look like?
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What does the inside of a space station look like?

The inside of a space station look like pretty much looks like the inside of an air plane. It actually resembles the cockpit in an aircraft.

What does a gym in space look like?

Right now there are no gyms in space. The shuttle and the space station have tredmills though.

What do you look like to the astronauts on the space station?

They cannot see you, you are too small

What does the interior of the space station look like?

Last time I was there, it had lots of buttons and knobs and there wasn't a lot of space.

What does a international space station look like from earth?

a little bright light in the sky .x

What does the Hubble space station look for?

Deep space Objects!

How is a space shuttle like a space station?

they are both in space

Why did they call it the space station if it really not a station?

because that's were they do all there stuff with space and it is kinda like a station

What is the difference between a space station and the space shuttle?

A Space Station monitors the Space Shuttle being launched into space and so forth. And a Space Shuttle, is like a rocket they send into space. So the difference is a space shuttle is a rocket, and a space station is a building.

Is the International Space Station the first man made space station?

No. There were others before it, like Skylab and Mir.

What is the biggest space station?

the iss is the biggest space station and only space station

Where can you see the International Space Station?

The International Space Station can be sighted when it flies over the region you are in. The website in related links below will tell you when the international space station can be observed in your region. It looks like a moving star, when you walk its like something out of the blue is above you.