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The stool accidentally hits a cup-bearer.

"With this he grabbed a stool, But Odysseus, fearing attack, squatted at the knees of Amphinomus of Dulichium, and Eurymachus' missile struck a cup-bearer on the right hand, so that his wine jug fell to the floor with a clang, and he fell back in the dust."

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Q: What does the stool that Eurymachus throws at Odysseus accidentally hit?
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What does Antinous throw at Odysseus?

Antinous throws a stool at Odysseus. "And with that he grasped the stool and threw it, striking Odysseus on his back, under the right shoulder."

Which three characters in the odyssey anger Odysseus?

one is eurymachus because he insults Odysseus and then throws a stool at him. 2 is irus because he insults Odysseus and then threatens him to fight him. 3. Poseidon because he poked the eye of his son, Polyphemus (the Cyclops) early on in the book. This is a significant reason why Odysseus has such a hard time getting home.

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Antinous is warned that Odysseus, the wandering beggar, may actually be a god in disguise.

What 3 characters anger Odysseus in book 18?

Melanthius, the goatherd, insults Odysseus and kicks him while he is disguised as a beggar. Antinous throws a stool at Odysseus and insults him during his stay at the palace. Amphinomus, one of Penelope's suitors, questions and challenges Odysseus during his visit to the palace.

Why does Odysseus hate Antinous?

Antinous is wooing his wife Penelope. Also, Antinous is rude, obnoxious, and treats Odysseus poorly. When Odysseus is a beggar asking for food, Antinous not only gives him no food, but also throws a foot stool at him. Antinous also earlier previously encouraged Irus the beggar to fight Odysseus.

Who scorns Odysseus for the second time when she sees him in the great hall?

Antinous, one of the suitors, scorns Odysseus when he sees him in the great hall of his home. Antinous insults Odysseus and throws a stool at him, displaying his disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards the returning king.

Which One of the suitors threw a stool at Odysseus?


Who is the most arrogant obnoxious and outspoken of Penelope's suitors?

Antinous is the most arrogant, obnoxious and outspoken suitor of all Penelope's suitors. Although rich, he is ungrateful and stingy. He even throws a foot stool at Odysseus, when Odysseus asks him for some food. In the end, he is the first of the suitors to be killed, by an arrow to the throat.

List at least five images or events from Odysseus battle with the suitors?

-Odysseus is dressed as a beggar -He taps on his bow, as termites might have housed in his old bow. -Odysseus flung his string on the bow; it made a vibration that sounded like a hum to a swallow's song. -He was sitting on a stool while doing this. -Everyone around Odysseus, while he was standing in glory with the bow, was jealous and in awe.

How can you use the word stool in a sentence?

i sat on a stool. the stool was very high. the stool was brown.

How does antinous react to the beggars request?

Antinous throws a stool at him (the beggar.)