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Q: What does the symbol stand for - H H2 2H?
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What is different between H2 and 2H?

H2 is the symbol for the diatomic molecule of hydrogen; 2 H meaning is two hydrogen atoms.

What is the ion electron equation showing the formation of hydrogen gas?

A chemical equation, like all equations, contains an equals sign ( = ). It shows a chemical reaction, where something turns into something else. You probably mean the chemical symbol that would represent hydrogen. The symbol for an atom of hydrogen is H. In hydrogen gas the atoms usually pair up into hydrogen molecules for which the symbol is H2. If the gas is very hot the molecules dis-associate, so then the symbol will be just H, or sometimes (H) to make it clear that monatomic hydrogen is referred to. If you want an equation : H2 + heat = 2 (H)

What does h h H2 in science?

H is the atomic symbol for hydrogen. H2 is the chemical formula for the hydrogen molecule, which is the most common and stable form of hydrogen gas.

What is the formula for hydrogen molecule?

Hydrogen is a diatomic element, so the formula would be H2.The chemical symbol is H, but hydrogen usually appears as H2.

How is hydrogen abbreviated?

The chemical symbol for hydrogen is H. Hydrogen gas is H2.

Algebra answers 2h-2 equals?

Factor 2h−2 2h−2 =2(h−1) Answer: 2(h−1)

Why does hydrogen gas have the symbol H2?

The symbol for atomic hydrogen is H. But hydrogen as a gas molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms, so the formula for molecular hydrogen is H2.

In the equation 2 H2 plus O2 the H2 molecules are?

H is the atomic symbol for hydrogen, the 2 subscript means it is diatomic.

What do the h's in 4 h stand for?

If you are asking about pencils, it represents a degree of hardness of the 'lead' as in H for hard, then 2H 3H 4H and up to 9H

What is the chemical symbol forhydregon?

Hydrogen is just H, it is never found on its own as just H but rather H2.

If and object made from zinc was placed in dilute acid what would happen?

The zinc (Zn) would react with the acid (H+^) and would produce hydrogen gas (H2).Zn + 2H^+ ==> Zn^2+ + H2(g)

What is the chemical equation of hydrgen?

The chemical symbol (not equation) of hydrogen is H; the diatomic molecule is H2.