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Significant difficulties in social interaction coupled with repetitive and obsessive behaviors

Can range from mild to severly debilitating; for example, I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is the mildest variant of the disorder and arguably not entirely a disorder, as it gives the affected individual certain advantages.

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Autism refers to a neurological variation: Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism can impact on a persons social and communication skills, among other symptoms.

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Q: What does the term Autism mean?
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Is autism a mental handicap?

No, autism is not a mental handicap.Handicap is an offensive term, a more appropriate term may be disability. Autism is a neurological difference, although some Autistic people may be disabled autism is not a mental disability.

What do the letters in Autism stand for?

Nothing. The term autism is not an acronym like ADHD or PTSD.

What is applied autism?

In years of reading research on autism, I have not encountered the term "applied autism", but the two words could appear together, such as "applied autism teaching techniques".

Does Bill Gates autism?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Bill Gates has autism. Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can only be accurately diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional.

What is applied?

In years of reading research on autism, I have not encountered the term "applied autism", but the two words could appear together, such as "applied autism teaching techniques".

What is the first name given for autism?

Leo Kanner was the first to coin the term "Early Infantile Autism" in the 40s.

Has You Tube Video autism epidemic out of control alerted media to finally do something about misinformation on autism?

There is no Autism epidemic - it's not a disease or a virus, Autism is a neurological difference and represents Autistic people - referring to Autism as an epidemic is referring to Autistic people as an epidemic, it is dangerous and prejudice. People use the term 'epidemic' to promote fear surrounding Autism in order to push their agenda's or to make money, in the mean time not caring about how this impacts on those of us who are Autistic.

What is autism awareness mean?

Autism awareness means bringing awareness about autism and Autistic people. Autism awareness is unfortunately associated with Autism Speaks who actually act against Autistic people by spreading misinformation as a means of increasing their profits.

What should you do if you like someone with autism?

ask them out. just because they have autism doesnt mean they are different, quite a lot of people with autism have an IQ well over 100

What is Autism awareness?

Autism awareness is simply making people aware of autism and Autistic people. Unfortunately organizations such as Autism Speaks uses autism awareness to speak negatively about autism and Autistic people to increase their profits, thus there remains a lot of ignorance about autism.

How common is Autism ?

Autism is as common today as it always has been - currently figures put autism diangosis in children at 1 in 50, this doesn't mean an increase in autism but an increase in awareness of autism and better diangosis so more autistic people are now getting diagnosed.

If my fiance's nephew has autism does that mean that we will have a child with autism?

There is a chance, seeing as it is in his genes/blood, but probably not a big chance though.