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Q: What does the term impressment mean Why were sailors deserting the British navy to join the American navy A) English ships were sinking. B) Americans were impressing British sailors. C)?
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What was the practice called where Americans were forced into service with the British navy?

Impressment is the term used to denote the forcing of American sailors into the British navy/

What British actions caused the War Hawks to push for war Against Britain?

impressment of American sailors and support for native Americans

What word refers to the British practice of forcing American sailors into service of the British navy?

Impressment is forcing American sailors into joining the British Navy.

How did the British interfere with U.S trade?

Britain interfered with U.S. shipping by impressment .

What was the British practice of removing British deserters from American ships called?

Impressment :)

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What were the reasons that America went to war with Britain in the War of 1812?

Britain practiced in act of impressment which is when American soldiers were kidnapped and Americans neutral rights were violated

When England was forcing US sailors to work in the british navy this was called?

Americans were angered by the British practice of impressment which American sailors were forced into the British navy.

Why was impressment a problem for the US?

The British were impressing American sailors ("impressing" meant forcibly capturing them and making them serve). The British claimed that these sailors were deserters from the Royal Navy. The US, as a sovereign nation, did not recognize the right of the British to do this. Impressment was eventually stopped after the conclusion of the war, in which Britain failed to gain any territory and failed to defeat the Americans.

What was a direct cause of the war of 1812?

Britain's continued impressment of American soldiers. the war Hawks in Congress would only approve the war if it was to annex what is Now Canada and At Gent the other reasons use to go to war war wern forgotten because they stopped as soon as the British Defeated Napoleon the Americans were trying to supply the French and the British were stopping them and the British were only removing deserters from American ships

Why were some Americans unhappy with jays treaty?

because the treaty did not deal with the issue of impressment and did not mention British interference with American trade. also because in jays treaty the americans had to pay there debts from the war that they won.

What term describes the British policy of taking American sailors and forcing them to work in British ships?

its also called impressment .