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Magnesium deficiency means that the intake of magnesium by the body is lacking. Common symptoms of this include dizziness, muscle crams, weakness, and fatigue.

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Q: What does the term magnesium deficiency mean?
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Related questions

Is depression linked to magnesium deficiency?

No, magnesium deficiency is linked only to magnesium.

What vitamin deficiency is associated with alzheimers?

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between magnesium deficiency and memory loss. A study done last year by some researchers in MIT stated that Magnesium l-threonate helped with increasing short term and long term memory capacity.

Can a deficiency of magnesium lead to anemia?

A deficiency of copper can lead to anemia.

What deficiency causes muscle cramps?

Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle cramping. Potassium deficiency can, as well. These are minerals, not vitamins.

What is the treatment for magnesium imbalance?

The goal of treatment is to identify and correct the cause of the imbalance. Oral magnesium supplements or injections are usually prescribed to correct mild magnesium deficiency. If the deficiency is more severe or does not respond.

How do you stop eye from twitching?

Often it is a mineral deficiency that causes the twitch - usually a magnesium deficiency.

What does the term erythropenia mean?

deficiency in no. of red blood cells(erythrocytes)

What vitamin deficiency do Alzheimer's patients have?

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between magnesium deficiency and memory loss. A study done last year by some researchers in MIT stated that Magnesium l-threonate helped with increasing short term and long term memory capacity. There are a lot of articles about it. Can't really find where you can buy it though. The only place I have seen is

What deficiency in plants due to chlorosis?

lack on magnesium (Mg)

Is 1500 milligrams of magnesium a day harmful if you have a deficiency?


Can magnesium deficiency lead to erectile dysfunction?

Yes, magnesium deficiency can lead to impotency issue. Magnesium helps in regulating the levels of other vitamins and minerals. Proper intake of magnesium can give you rid from this problem. Green vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts and brown rice are enriched sources of dietary magnesium

What vitamin deficiencey can cause rickets?

Scurvy Kwashiorkor Marasmus Beriberi Rickets Pernicious anemia Iron Deficiency Zinc Deficiency Magnesium Deficiency