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Q: What does the use of logos appeal to?
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What does an appeal to logos use?

Facts and statistics

What appeal should you use to show the logic of your argument?

You would use a logical appeal to show the logic of you argument. Logical Appeal is also called Logos. Logos has three parts - your claim, the evidence, and the warrant.

How logos use in an argument?

To appeal to the logic and reason of an audience

Which audience appeal does Hirohito most clearly use in this excerpt?

Ethos and Logos

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Which type of audience appeal calls for a speaker to use facts statistics and common sense?


What values are expressed in the Greek Play?

ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. Pathos is appeal based on emotion. Logos is appeal based on logic or reason.

What does logos refer to an appeal to in rhetoric?


What are the definitions of ethos pathos and logos?

While Logos is straightforward and recognizable pathos can be more subtle. Pathos is an appeal to the audience's passion and emotions. Ethos is an appeal to the authority or reputation of the speaker. Logos is an appeal to the audience's logic and reason. These three terms are the three appeals.

Which statement most accurately assesses the speaker's use of rhetoric?

She uses logos to appeal to her listeners' common sense.

Which rhetorical appeal relies on the emotion of the recipient?


What are two ways that a writer can use an appeal to logos?

A writer can use an appeal to logos by presenting logical arguments supported by evidence and data, as well as by using credible sources to back up their claims. Another way is to use reasoning and structure in their writing to build a strong, coherent argument that is easy for the audience to follow and understand.