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it is the main vein of the body it brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart

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Q: What does the vena cave do?
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What vessels does the right heart receive blood?

superior vena cava inferior vena cave

How does venous blood get back to the heart?

It enters the heart from the head and upper body via the Superior Vena Cave. The blood from the lower body travels through the Inferior Vena Cave.

What deoxygenated blood carried in the vena cava empties into of the heart?

Deoxygenated blood from the lower body travels through the Inferior Vena cave. Deoxygenated blood from the upper body travels through the Superior Vena Cave. Both vessels empty into the Right Atrium.

What does the superior vena cave empty?

Oxygenated blood into the left ventricle

What is the blood vessel that carries blood to the heart?

vena cava

A blood vessel that carries blood from the body to the right atruim?

superior and inferior vena cave

Which vein carries bloody to the heart?

The superior and inferior vena cave carry blood to the heart.

What two veins form inferior vena cava?

The inferior vena cave is the largest vein in the body. The vein is formed by two iliac veins and returns blood to the heart.

Can you die if your vena cava messes up?

Yes, the superior vena cave brings blood from the head to the heart, while the inferior vena cava brings blood to the heart from the trunk. So if it "messes up", you may be in big trouble.

What is the longest vein in the heart?

The longest vein in the human body would be the saphenous vein.

What vein is formed by the subclavian vein with the internal jugular vein?

brachiocephalic vein

What is the structure of chamber where blood enters heart from the body?

throught the Superior and Inferior Vena Cave and into the Right Atrium