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A number multiplied by itself thrice. 2 x 2 x 2 equals 2 cubed.

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Q: What does the word cubed number mean in maths?
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What does the word cubed mean?

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The word that means to the third power is cubed. Mostly used in math, if a number or letter has a small 3 towards the top, that means its cubed.

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The word "quad" mean four (4).

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When numbers are mixed up you only neede to find the middle number and thats what medien means!

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@MikeyBoi1993 ----->> follow him on twitter he will tell you the answer!

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In any given set of numbers, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode.

Why is the expression 2 to the third power called 2 cubed?

cubed is 3 dimensional. Three being the main word/number. so they use 3 as cubed due to its ties with dimensional