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It is the area between you and an object, the background is what is behind the subject

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Q: What does the word foreground mean?
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What does the word foregroung?

There is a word spelled foreground but nothing is found with the spelling of foregroug. Foreground means view that is closest to you. It would be the opposite of background.

How do you use the word foreground in a good sentence?

FOREGROUNDN-VAR Foreground of a picture or scene you are looking atis the part or area of it that appears nearest to you. For eg.i. He is the bowler-hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen's famous painting.N-SINGIf something or someone is in the foreground, or comes to the foreground, they receive a lot of attention. For eg.i. This is another worry that has come to the foreground in recentHOPE YOU LIKED THE ANSWER...

Opposite of foreground?

The opposite of foreground is background.

What does foreground mean in art?

Imagine a picture of person, standing on the roof of a building, with the city skyline behind them. The person and the roof would be the foreground, whereas the skyline would be the background. Foreground refers to the bits at the front; background refers to the bits at the back.

What does Foreground mean in Visual Arts?

Imagine a picture of person, standing on the roof of a building, with the city skyline behind them. The person and the roof would be the foreground, whereas the skyline would be the background. Foreground refers to the bits at the front; background refers to the bits at the back.

Ground compound word?

background campground foreground groundswell groundwork playground underground

What is a foreground star?

A foreground star, is a star that is observed when looking at further objects, that is not part of that object.For example. If you were looking at a picture of a far galaxy, there might be stars "in the foreground" that are not part of that galaxy. These stars are called foreground star, because they are in the foreground.

When was Piano in the Foreground created?

Piano in the Foreground was created in 1961.

What compound word ends in ground?

Underground, background campground playground fairground foreground battleground

What is the foreground in a painting?

The Foreground in a painting usally is the object closer or nearest the front of the painting.

What area of a pictures shows the closest objects?

a l i e n

What rhymes with foreground?
