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The word preferences means something that one prefers. So for example one might have a preference for salt and vinegar crisps over cheese and onion crisps.

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Q: What does the word preferred mean?
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The preferred pronunciation of the word "mischievous" has 3 syllables.

Is the word peferred a word?

No, peferred is not a word, you may mean the word preferred.Preferred is the past participle, past tense of the verb prefer; or an adjective describing something as a more desirable choice. Example sentences:Our club preferred outdoor meetings when the weather permitted.We made the child's preferred dishes for his birthday dinner.

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Preferred means the same as liked better.

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if you mean why is a desktop preferred over a laptop. then i would answer that they aren't and that laptops are preferred because of their convenience

Is preferred a noun verb or adjective?

The word 'preferred' is both a verb and an adjective. The word preferred is the past participle, past tense of the verb prefer. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective. Examples:verb: He preferred the lake to the theme park.adjective: The preferred condiment is the hot sauce.

Is the word preferred a verb?

Actually, it is usually a verb, but it can also be an adjective. When it is a verb, the infinitive is "to prefer" and the word "preferred" is the past tense. "She preferred chocolate ice cream, but all they had in the shop was vanilla." However, the word can also sometimes become an adjective, meaning something that is your preference: "My preferred plan is that we hold the meeting on Friday, but you may not agree."

How do you spell the word favite?

The likely word is favorite (most preferred).

What is an example of a sentence using the word preferred?

So what do you like? Is pizza more preferred to you?

Is adaption a real word?

Adaption is the 'real word' and adaptation is an Americanism .

How do you translate Son of the Sea to Latin - Filius Maris or Maris Filius?

Both mean son of the sea. Preferred word order is Filius maris.

Where is the restaurant in spanish?

¿Dónde está el restaurante?In some areas "Restorán" or "Restaurán" is used to mean Restaurant. Restaurante is the preferred (and proper) word.