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Prosody. a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into 3 quatrains followed by a couplet.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 6mo ago

A Sonnet is a poem of 14 lines written in iambic pentameter with a specific rhyme scheme. It typically follows one of two forms: Petrarchan (or Italian) sonnet and Shakespearean (or English) sonnet. Sonnets are often used to explore themes of love, beauty, and mortality.

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Sentence with the word sonnet in it?

Had you phrased the question correctly in the first place, you would have created a sentence including the word sonnet. I mean, had you phrased your question, "What is a sentence with the word sonnet in it?" As you have noticed, there are three sentences in this answer containing the word sonnet.

What is an sonnet?

another word used for shakespearean Sonnet

What type is sonnet 73?

If you mean William Shakespeare's sonnet 73, it is not surprisingly a Shakespearean sonnet.

What does the word doe mean in Sonnet 79 by Edmund Spenser?

In Sonnet 79 by Edmund Spenser, the word "doe" is likely referring to a female deer. It is used as a metaphor to describe the speaker's beloved as graceful, gentle, and pure.

How do you put the word sonnet in a sentence?

you can use sonnet in a sentence by eating `and licking dookie. liliy nsopher

What does sonnet 30 mean by Shakespeare?


What is a single word for a poem of fourteen lines?


What does Ein Sonett mean?

Sonett is German for sonnet, therefore, Ein Sonett means one/a sonnet in English

Which word best describes the mistress in Sonnet 130?

Imperfect. Ugly

What does the word โ€œspellโ€ refer to in the sonnet โ€œTo the Pupils ofHindu Collegeโ€?


What Italian word does the English word 'sonnet' come from?

Sonetto is the Italian word from which the English word "sonnet" comes. The masculine singular noun refers to a 14-line poetic form of two quartets followed by two triplets. The pronunciation will be "so-NET-to" in Italian.

What is 'sonnet' when translated from English to Italian?

Sonetto is an Italian equivalent of the English word "sonnet." The masculine singular noun may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular word il since Italian uses definite articles where English does and does not employ "the." The pronunciation will be "so-NET-to" in Italian.