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The word vassal comes from a Celtic word, gwas, which means boy or young man. It is similar in derivation to the word knight, which comes from a German word kneht, which also meant boy or young man.

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Q: What does the word vassal originate from?
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To work for the lord or manor and fight when there was a war. A vassal was a serf and the word "serf" is Greek for slave.

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A vassal is someone in a feudal system who has entered into a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch.So while a warrior in feudal Japan might be someone's vassal, the word vassal does not define him as a warrior.

Is vassal a concrete noun?

Yes. A vassal was a person ( a concrete noun): someone who owed allegiance to a lord or other figure in authority. The position or state was vassalage.Yes, the noun 'vassal' is a concrete noun as a word for a person.

What was the difference between a knight and a vassal?

The knights were originally the heavy cavalry. The word knight came to be a title, usually given by a monarch, and was regarded as the lowest level of the nobility. A vassal was a person who had a relationship of mutual obligation with a lord. The vassal sword loyalty and obedience, and the lord granted land and protection in exchange. A vassal could be a knight, and a knight could be a vassal, but there was nothing saying they had to be.

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What is a papal vassal?

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