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Most vinyls nowadays, and even back in 1986, when that strip was written (if not 1987), are set two either of two different rotation speeds; 33.3 (I forget what the decimal is) or 45. So, for one thing, Calvin's family has a quite old turntable, and since Hobbes was taking out what looked to me like an LP (which these days are usually 33s), he could almost double the speed of the composition by letting it play on 78 RPM. This translates to good noisy dance music for Calvin and Hobbes, but Calvin's mom hears something that sounds like Strauss on crack, so she comments that "either he's playing Classical Music at 78 RPM, or I'm still dreaming."

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Q: What does this mean either he's playing classical music at 78 RPM or I am still dreaming?
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How many concert orchestras are there playing a Western style of classical music?

how many concert orchestras are there playing a Western style of classical music

What style of music do beethoven play?

Beethoven was known for composing and playing Classical and Romantic music. He was regarded as the main one to effect the transition from Classical to Romantic.

Is 'my heart will go on' classical music?

It is a classical music!!

Where was classical music first played what was its influence on society?

Classical music was first played in Vienna. The tradition became so popular that is eventually spread worldwide. Most composers were either taught or born in Vienna (for example, Beethoven went to Vienna and was taught by Heiden). Vienna was, after all, the center of classical music.

Do children focus while music is playing?

Children tend to only focus when classical music is played, any other type of genre does not help.

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Beethoven was known for composing and playing Classical and Romantic music. He was regarded as the main one to effect the transition from Classical to Romantic.

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either a group of classical musicians or an orchestra depending on size and instruments

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Uh, Instrumental or Easy-Listening.... possibly classical! Check your local music store!! "Instruments" make "music". So, any music genre is possible when playing instrument.

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It is a classical music!!

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In Classical music rapidly playing a series of notes which is discretely audible is called a glissando. This can be done either on a piano or a harp.

What are the Pope Benedict XVI's hobbies?

Relaxing to classical music, playing the piano, writing and reading.

How do use the word flourish in a sentence?

My plants seemed to flourish when I started playing classical music for them.

What was John Quincy Adams favorite music?

Classical Music

Does playing music make you do better in other subjects?

Yes, for example the more classical music you listen to is proven to improve math skills.