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Could you please clarify which punctuation mark you are referring to?

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Q: What does this punctuation mark mean?
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Related questions

What does a punctuation mark mean after a sentence?

Punctuation at the end of a sentence indicates a complete thought.

Is it called a punctuation mark or a pronunciation mark?

It is called a punctuation mark. Punctuation marks are used in writing to help convey meaning and indicate pauses, emphasis, or structure within sentences. Pronunciation marks are not commonly used terminology in language and grammar.

What is a synonym for punctuation mark?

End mark is a synonym for punctuation mark

What do people mean when they say period?

When people say "period," it is often used to emphasize that something is final or non-negotiable, similar to saying "end of discussion" or "that's final." It is a way to assert a strong statement or opinion with conviction.

Is an apostrophe a punctuation mark?

Yes, an apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to indicate either possession or contraction in writing.

What punctuation mark does a noun always have?

There is no single punctuation mark that all nouns carry.

Do you put a comma after a punctuation?

No. A comma is a punctuation mark.

Does haiku have punctuation?

Traditional Japanese haiku typically do not use punctuation. However, modern haiku in English may include punctuation for clarity or emphasis.

What Punctuation mark should be placed after a greeting in email?

what punctuation mark placed after a greeting in email

What does the 2 squiggly line punctuation mark mean?

The 2 squiggly lines (~) is called a tilde. It can mean "approximately" or "similar to" in text, as well as indicate a range of values. It is also used in some languages as a diacritic mark to change the pronunciation of a letter.

What punctuation mark is imperative?

question mark

What is a antonym or synonym for punctuation?

A synonym would be punctuation mark