

What does titan orbits?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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titan the moon orbits Saturn

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Q: What does titan orbits?
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Titan is a moon that orbits around-?

Titan is a moon the orbits around Saturn. This is a planet.

Is Titan the satellite for Jupiter?

No. Titan orbits Saturn.

What planet is titan satellite near?

Titan orbits the planet Saturn.

What is the planet that titan orbits around?

Titan is one of Saturn's moons.

Is titan really a planet?

No. Titan orbits the planet Saturn, which makes it a moon.

Is Titan outer space?

Titan is a moon that orbits Saturn, so it is in outer space.

Name the only satellite which is known to have an atmosphere and the planet it orbits?

Titan orbits Saturn

What is the distance from titan to the sun?

The average distance from the sun is 9.54 AU. Average because Titan orbits around Saturn.

Can people live on the titan?

IF you mean the moon titan ( that orbits Saturn). ON oneday it may be possable> Sciteists are working on it.

Why isn't Pluto's moon the Titan not a planet instead of a moon?

Titan is a moon of Saturn, not Pluto. Pluto's main moon is Charon. Regardless, neither Titan nor Charon are planets because they do not orbit the sun. Titan orbits the planet Saturn while Charon orbits the Pluto-Charon barycenter.

Which planet has the moon titan?

The planet that has a moon named Titan is Saturn.

Which satellite is known for its atmosphere and what planet does it orbit?

Titan orbits Saturn