

What does to go a-viking mean?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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15y ago

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My Norwegian hubby says it is loosely translated as "to go on a journey"....this makes perfect sense since we ALL know the Vikings actually discovered America as they were in their longships exploring the world. :)

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15y ago
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9y ago

Means 'pirate'.

The word Viking comes from the old Norse word, "vikingr" which is a form of the word "vik" (meaning "creek") and relating to their camp or dwelling place.
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13y ago

any of the Scandinavian pirates who plundered the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries

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13y ago

Viking means raider, also as a side note, they were only called Vikings while raiding the coasts, once they came and settled in England they became known as Norseman, or men from the north.

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15y ago

To "go a-viking" means to go raiding. "Viking was originally a Norse term describing a raid for loot and only later came to describe the Norse people who did that.

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11y ago

Going a viking means on a rampage. Viking is actually spelled wiking, well in their language but its pronounced the same way.

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13y ago

i readly do not know, HOW CARE!

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13y ago

To go raiding across the sea.

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