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I am pretty sure eggs will only come out of a female ants body if they are fertilized but since I'm probably wrong about that I don't think the eggs would be able to hatch without fetilization so nothing I guess? I hope that helps you :)

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Q: What does unfertilized eggs of an ant produce?
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Ant larva eat the unfertilized eggs that the mother lays.

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Can a stick insect produce eggs without a mate?

Yes, all stick insects can produce unfertilized eggs via parthenogeneses. Some species do have males which can produce fertilized eggs, but all females are able to produce eggs without a mate.

Are unfertilized eggs good for you?

Of course! I personally would rather eat unfertilized eggs over fertilized ones. The eggs you buy at the store are unfertilized

Do people eat unfertilized hen eggs?

That is mostly how they are eaten...unfertilized

Where can someone buy an unfertilized eggs?

An unfertilized egg is one which there was no rooster involved and they will never be anything but eggs. Virtually all of the eggs sold in supermarkets in the United States are unfertilized since they are checked before being marketed.

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Some lay unfertilized eggs, the eggs in the carton at the grocery store are unfertilized, so you don't have to worry about eating a chick. Other's are raised/fattened and become the chicken we eat. Others are used for reprduction (They produce fertilized eggs).

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What insect does the male bee come from?

Male bees (drones) come from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen bee. Fertilized eggs produce females (workers or new queens).

Do unfertilized eggs of the iguana hatch?

If an egg is unfertilized, then an embryo cannot form.Fertilized = an embryo can form.UNfertilized = an embryo cannot form, because the male (or lack thereof) did not contribute DNA to create life.

Do penguins lay unfertilized eggs?

Like most birds it is possible for penguins to lay unfertilized eggs but it doesn't happen very often.