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Q: What does velosity include that speed doesn't?
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What is velosity?

Velocity is the speed and direction of an object in motion .

What is terminal velosity?

the top speed achieved by a falling object

Why would you measure wind using velocity?

because wind has speed, motion, it accelerate, which is measured in velosity.

How fast is terminal velosity?

terminal velosity is 298mph and can onnly be broken in spase

What is a resultant velosity?

A resultant velocity is the vector sum of two or more velocities (remember that a velocity has both speed and direction).

What is the difference of speed from velosity?

Speed is a scalar, velocity is a vector. That is to say, when you talk about "speed", the direction doesn't matter; when you talk about "velocity", it does. A velocity is only completely specified if you know the magnitude AND the direction.

Is velosity a machine?


What is the process of changing velosity?


Conditions for vibratory motion?

accelration velosity

What is the product of an object mass and velosity?


What is the airspeed velosity of an unladin swalow?

African or European?

What factors determine the span of jump in long jumping?

greter the initial velosity,greater will b the horizental range.the span depends upon the angle of projection.also the span of jump depends upon'g'.so for the same itial velosity and angle.the person will jump longer on the moon than on the earth.