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Q: What does very mild ventral encroachment on thecal sac mean?
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What is prognosis of a mild effacement of ventral thecal sac without significant spinal canal stenosis.?

mild disfuse disc bulging with subtle 72 hyperintense signal

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Disc bulge at c5-c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left neural compromise is it dangerous situation please answer?

Disc Bulge at c5 c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left nueral compromise is it dangerous situation

What is mild ventral extradural defect at the L3-L4?

There are ventral extradural impressions noted at c5/c6 and c6/c7 with effacementof ventral aspect of the cervical cord at c5/c6 and c6/c7.

What does it mean to have Left paracentral annular tear with asymmetric disc protrusion causing anterior thecal sac compression and mild narrowing of both neural foraminae Can it be cured completely?

What do they do for this. It is some kind of operation done?

How do you treat mild annular bulge at L5-S1 and mild impression of ventral nerve roots?

You don't. The complaints will usually subside after a time.Research shows little or no benefit from an operation.

Disc bulge at the level of l4-5 with impingement on thecal sac?

A disc bulge at the L4-L5 level means that the disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae is protruding out of place. This can cause compression on the thecal sac, which contains nerve roots and spinal fluid. Symptoms can include pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgery.

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posterior disc osteophyte at c5 c6 mild indentation on anterior thecal sac. there is uncinate spurring with left formaminal narrowing c5 c6 . would this require surgery?

Mild diffuse posterior bulge of the c4-c5 and c5-c6 discs indenting the thecal sac?

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What does mild generalized broad-based bulging of the disk C5-C6 with slight encroachment of both lateral recesses?

ment of both lataral recesses

What is moderate central thecal sac effacement and mild bilateral foraminal stenosis?

At C2-3, a broad-based disk bulge. Spinal canal and formina are patent

What does it mean when the MRI comes back with mild disc bulge and compression of C4-c5 disc thecal sak with super impose disc herniation?

I do know that this can cause a great deal of pain in the shoulder and arm, compression means that it is on the spinal cord. I think I would consider surgery.