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Vasodilation: opens the arteries to improve cooling of the central portion of the body, i.e., the extremities of the body become the reservoirs of cooler blood. Aiding in this process is sweat: evaporation of water creates a cooling effect on the skin, which aids the already dilated arteries to cool the blood from the extremities. The cooled blood returns to the core of the body, and mixes with warmer blood, thereby cooling your central core.

The opposite occurs in cool weather: vasoconstriction. In an effort to conserve heat, arteries constrict (and thus have cold hands) to keep warm blood at the central core, and minimize the amount of blood sent out that will be cooled by the environment. Furthermore, shivering causes warming of the muscles, and aids to keep warmer temperatures inside the body.

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Q: What does your body do when its hot outside?
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