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There is a natural reflex in males of many species (including human) to go to sleep after sex. It is very hard for men to stay awake and chat or cuddle after sex even though women like to do this.

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Q: What does your boyfriend mean if he says it doesn't bother him if you leave after sex or if you cuddle?
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He doesn't love you, doesn't want to get close or cuddle with you.

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If I were you, I would ask him to go to the river and just walk with him mabey hold his hand. Then mabey in the evening sit down on a bench and cuddle with him. Then before your going to leave press your lips against his and that's your kiss.

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Don't jump to conclusions! He could just be busy! Try calling him...... it theres no answer, leave a voice mail.

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tell him that if he really wants you that he should show it or else your going to leave him for someone else

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Tell them your serious about breaking up , if he doesn't listen slap him, if that doesnt work leave for good and don't talk and he will realize you were serious.

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someone to love you for who u are, treat u right, not care what others think, someone to beat up another guys but if they make u cry, someone to cuddle with u when u wanna be held..some one to never leave

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you should leave him if your boyfriend threatens you in anyway your to good for him so ditch him NOW