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people learn in different ways. First you have to figure out how you learn. Can you follow directions and remember them when someone tells you? Yes? Then you are an auditory learner. Do you see things and remember them? Yes? Then you are a Visual Learner. Do you have to touch things in order to remember them? Yes? then you are a kinisthetic learner. You can be more then one or even all 4. There are others. Check out Gardners theory of learning.

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13y ago

the brain is a big muscle that controls the actions in your body. if you have a stroke, one side of the brain dies.

the left side of the brain is the creative side and the right hand side is the logical side. if you are keft handed, you tend to be more creative than if you are right handed. if you are right handed, you tend to be more intelligent.

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Q: What does your brain have to do in order to learn something new?
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What happens every time you learn something new or have a new thought or memory?

The structure of your brain changes.

Every time you learn something do you get a wrinkle in your brain?

No, you are born with the wrinkles in your brain (they increase the surface area), however when you learn things during life, new synaptic connections are made in your brain at the microscopic level.

How do you make my brain smarter?

Use it. The more you use it the more synapse are made. Do puzzles, brain games, create something, write, learn new skills or info .

Why is it harder to learn something when you are older?

Because your brain doesn't make new connections between the nerve cells as fast as it did when you were young.

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Your brain is at its best in the moarning so it would be easier to learn new information then.

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We are able to learn a new language or a new sport because of the brain's ability towards?


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well we always have to research in order to adjust to our daily problems and there's always something new to learn.

How can you learn a language?

To learn a language, immerse yourself in it by practicing consistently, watching movies or reading books in that language, using language learning apps, finding a language exchange partner, and taking language classes. Practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing to improve your skills. Consistency and practice are key to language acquisition.

Can you learn stuff in your sleep?

It is said that your brain is busiest while you are asleep as your process data that you have learnt throughout the day. You revise the things you have learnt in your sleep but you cannot learn new stuff in your sleep unless there is a simple connection to something you already know about.

How can background knowledge help you learn?

The more you know, the more easily you can learn something new. If you know something similar to the new thing, it's very easy to learn the new one, and the more knowledge you have with which to compare new things, the better your chances of finding similarities.

When does the brain reach full growth?

Never the brain continues to change and make new connections for the rest of your life as long as you continue to learn