

What does zone depletion refer to?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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9y ago

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Ozone depletion refers to the depletion of ozone molecules. These molecules are present in the ozone layer.

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What is Zone depletion caused by?

Ozone depletion is caused by CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

What is depletion zone?

Ozone depletion is the thinning of ozone layer below a certain concentration. This phenomenon is termed as ozone depletion.

What does ozone depletion potential refer?

Ozone depletion potential refers to the potential at which the ozone is depleting. Human activities are the main reason for its depletion.

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The ideal zone for ozone is stratosphere. It is because the temperature and pressures that are being required for depletion and replenishment are there in stratosphere.

What is Ozone Depletion Potential refer?

It refers to ozone thinning. It is caused by CFC's.

To what does ozone depletion potential refer?

The substances that determine ozone potential are CFC's. They harm the ozone violently.

Do airplanes put holes in the o zone layer?

Airplanes release greenhouse gases. They can cause ozone depletion.

What part of the world is the o zone layer worst?

The ozone is worst at the poles. It is because depletion occurs in low temp only.

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