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Q: What dose Hubble expansion law state?
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How was the evidence for hubble law collected?

The hubble law was collected by cameras

What is hubbs law?

Presuming you mean "Hubble's Law," it is an observed fact that, the further an object is from our Earth, the greater is the red shift of its emitted light. What has been been undeniably observed can only be explained by an ongoing expansion of our Universe.

According to Hubble's law the farther away a galaxy is?

According to Hubble's Law, the farther away a galaxy is the, faster it is moving away

What do the farthest galaxies in the universe appear to be doing according to Hubble's law?

Mating. If you even know what Hubble's Law is you know the answer to this question.

What did the hubble telescope discover?

Newtons law

In which year was Hubble's Law formulated?


What is hubb?

Presuming you mean "Hubble's Law," it is an observed fact that, the further an object is from our Earth, the greater is the red shift of its emitted light. What has been been undeniably observed can only be explained by an ongoing expansion of our Universe.

When did science discover that all matter is in constant motion?

If the galaxies are meant, it is credited to Edwin Hubble and became known as "Hubble's Law".

When was the big bang discovered?

I am not quite sure.Some websites say 1927-1930and some websites say 1889-1992so confused??????????Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, He was the first person to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe , widely miss-attributed to Edwin Hubble. He was also the first to derive what is now known as the Hubble's Law and made the first estimation of what is now called the Hubble Constant which he published in 1927, two years before Hubble's article on the Expanding Universe.

Who did Edwin Hubble marry?

Astronomer, Edwin Hubble, married Grace Burke on February 26, 1924. A veteran of the United States Army, Hubble is remembered for Hubble's Law, which tells us the universe is expanding. The Hubble Space Telescope is named after him.

What is hubble's law?

Hubble's law is a law relating to objects in deep space that is named after Edwin Hubble, who helped verify its existence. Hubble's law states that objects in deep space are observed from Earth to have a radial velocity, measured by the Doppler shift in their spectra, which is proportional to their distance from us. In simpler, less quantitative words: Everything in the universe is moving away from us, and the farther it already is from us, the faster it's moving away from us.

What is the meaning of law of the infinitesimal dose?

Law of the Infinitesimal Dose (The more diluted a remedy is, the more potent it is.)