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a tussock moth

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Q: What dose a white fuzzy caterpillar turn into?
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What does a white fuzzy caterpillar turn into?

will turn into a moth called Apatelodes torrefacta or Spotted Apatelodes.

What do fuzzy black and yellow caterpillar turns into?

They turn into monarch butterflies

What kind of caterpillar is tan and fuzzy?

the fuzzy brown caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis in its cocoon of human flesh to become John Carpentar. In our century there has been only one hatching of John Carpentar, for the obvious reason that everyone knows when you see a big brown fuzzy you must kill it immediatley...

What does the yellow bear caterpillar look like?

The yellow bear caterpillar eventually turns into the Virginia tiger moth. The moth is not poisonous, however some people have allergic reactions to it's body bristles.

What is the name of a black and brown fuzzy caterpillars?

This would be a woolly bear caterpillar (banded woolly bear.) They are found through out North American except Canada.

What does it mean when you see a white caterpillar in August?

Just that- you have a white caterpillar! No need to move under a rock anytime soon. :)

What do fuzzy caterpillars turn into?

Fuzzy caterpillars turn into moths.

What kind of butterfly will a black furry caterpillar turn into?

The puss moth caterpillar has a furry light brown color and will turn into a puss moth. They are one of the most toxic caterpillars. Another furry caterpillar is the wooly bear but it is brown and black and it turns into a wooly bear tiger moth.

Does a fuzzy black and orange striped caterpillar turn into an orange and black butterfly?

I think you're thinking of the Monarch Butterfly. Either way, no. The Monarch caterpillar is not fuzzy. The fuzzy orange and black caterpillars are likely from the Isabella Tiger Moth. Google both those species and you should get pictures, see if we're talking about the same thing.

What is the difference between a Western Tent caterpillar and an Eastern Tent caterpillar?

when the tent caterpillars turn into moths the eastern have a white stripe and the western have a yellow stripe

What does the small black fuzzy caterpillar turn into?

It will become a butterfly. It will become a moth.

Is a caterpillar turning into a butterfly an example of evolution?

Moths do not turn into butterflies. Moths and butterflies are both lepidopteran insects, but the butterfly is active only during the daytime and the moth is most active at night. Butterflies are usually brightly colored and somewhat larger than moths. Although butterflies are more beautiful, moths are probably more important environmentally. There are about 15,000 different species of butterflies worldwide and about 150,000 different species of moths - ten times as many