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The Modern Devotion.(:

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Q: What downplayed religious dogma and stressed the need to follow the teachings of Jesus?
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Do Jews think about God?

Yes, religious Jews think about God and follow His teachings and instructions.

Why was the puritans lifestyle so strict?

they where very religious and wanted everyone to follow God's teachings. if you did not follow God's teaching then you are not considered pure.

Whose teachings do those Buddhists follow?

Buddhists follow the teachings of the Gautama Buddha.

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Franciscans and Dominicans are religious orders within the Catholic Church. Franciscans follow the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, emphasizing poverty, humility, and simplicity, while Dominicans follow the teachings of St. Dominic, focusing on preaching, education, and scholarship.

Why do the religious people follow the dietary traditions?

Religious people may follow dietary traditions as a way to show respect or obedience to their faith. These traditions are often based on religious teachings, beliefs, or cultural customs that shape their lifestyle and practices. By adhering to these dietary rules, individuals may strengthen their spiritual connection and feel closer to their religious community.

What do you have to do to claim benefits?

to claim any spiritual or religious benefits you usually have to follow the teachings of that religion or that spiritual track. it usually depends on faith and devotion to what you believe in.

What are the clergy of Buddhism?

The religious leaders in Buddhism at present-day are the monks, nuns, and novices (collectively known as the Sangha, meaning those who follow unitedly the teachings of the Buddha).

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a dog

What is the buddism religious text?

The Buddhist tradition is rich in texts and teachings, most Buddhist would follow the teachings of the Buddha that have been recorded or the commentaries that are derived from them. There are thousands of teachings and the original Pali Cannon is an extensive body of work. The commentaries and other works of spirtual significance can be numbered in thousands if not tens of thousands.

Whose teachings do buddists follow?

Buddha's teachings. However, it depends on the country and tradition. Some teachings vary from others.

Buddhist's follow the teachings of?

Lord Buddha