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Q: What drops in dog before whelping?
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What to do with your male dog when your female dog is whelping?

Keep him out of the whelping box but let him close by.

What is it called when a dog is giving birth?

Whelping or parturition.

What is the act of dog giving birth call?

Parturition is called whelping in dogs.

What is the process of a dog giving birth called?


What is a dog temperature before giving birth?

A day or two before whelping puppies, the expectant dog mother will generally stop eating. She will begin to "nest" in her dog whelping box. Her temperature will be below 100 degrees. She will be restless and usually scratching. She will frequently need to do her business. Usually they have a little bit of diarrhea and may throw up.

What is it called when a dog has a baby?

a puppyThe process of a dog giving birth is called whelping.

What do you call the act of giving birth in a dog?

It is known as whelping: "My dog, Tilly, whelped seven puppies."

What is it called when a pug gives birth?

When a dog gives birth, it is called whelping.

How do you make a whelping box?

Depends on the size of the dog. small breed can use a good sized box or a kennel. medium size dog can use a kiddie play pool. large dog usually have to have one built.

Can the father dog be with the mother dog while she's in labor?

Dams do not like anyone else--dog or human--to be too close by while they are whelping.

Can i use assured eye drops on my dog?

Not before you ask your vet as what is good for you may be bad for the dog (or cat).

What is welphing?

Do you mean whelping? If so, that is the term used for canine birth as in a dog having puppies.