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You have erythromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin. They come under the category of macrolide drugs.

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Q: What drug is an example of a macrolide?
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What class drug is zithromax?

Zithromax is a macrolide

Is Clarithromycin a sulfur drug?

Clarithromycin is not a sulfur or sulfa drug because it lacks the sulfonamide group. It is a drug in the group of macrolide antibiotics.

What is an azalide?

An azalide is any of a class of macrolide antibiotics which contain a nitrogen in the macrolide ring.

Does clindamycin belong to macrolides?

Macrolides and Clindamycine are a subgroup of medication that work on killing bacteria by inhibition of Protein synthesis, so both have the same mechanism of action.but Clinidamycin is not a member of macrolide group, it is just a drug by it's own.Macrolides include :-Erythromycin-Clarithromycin-Azithromycin-Roxithromycin

Is zithromax an aminoglycoside?

No, Zithromax is a macrolide.

Will Ery treat strep throat?

Ery is erythromycin. This belong to macrolide group of antibiotics. You can use the same, when patient is allergic to penicillin. But this drug stimulates the motilin receptors and can cause pain in abdomen. You can use clarithromycin or the azithromycin, instead.

What antibiotic is to be given for cryptosporidium?

Amphotericin, or macrolide (such as Roxithromycin)

Are mycin drugs in the penicillin family?

No. For example, Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic with an antimicrobial spectrum slightly wider than penicillin, and is often used for people with a penicillin allergy.

Is an example of an illicit drug?

Marijuana is an example of an illicit drug. Just look in the dictionary and find the definition for illicit. An illicit drug is an illegal drug.

What is an example of a methylxanthine drug?

The chief methylxanthine drug is theophylline

What is an azithromycin?

An azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic derived from erythromycin.

Acyclovir is an example of a?

antiviral drug