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Alcohol and prescription drugs. Or none at all. Stupid question.

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Q: What drug is one that precedes the use of illegal or illicit drugs?
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Related questions

What is illicit activity?

Drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and others are considered to be illicit drugs. Those being drugs that are illegal.

What is the difference between licit drugs and illicit drugs?

Licit: this is a drug that is acceptable by law under some circumstances. e.g : when a person is under age. Illicit: these are drugs that are illegal to use, possess, use or produce. e.g : cocaine, marijuana.

Is an example of an illicit drug?

Marijuana is an example of an illicit drug. Just look in the dictionary and find the definition for illicit. An illicit drug is an illegal drug.

Who makes illicit drugs?

drug dealers

What is different between illegal drug and illicit drug?

Medical drugs are prescribed for a particular medical need- such as infection control, pain relief, etc. Recreational drugs are taken for fun. Medical drugs are sometimes used as recreational drugs.

What is an illicit?

An illicit profession is where you make money through illegal or dishonest means. For example, drug dealing is an illicit profession.

What is an illicit profession?

An illicit profession is where you make money through illegal or dishonest means. For example, drug dealing is an illicit profession.

Will birth control work if you are on illicit drugs?

The effectiveness of any prescribed drug can be compromised by other drugs, even over the counter ones like aspirin. Please consult with a Registered Pharmacist for the best and most reliable answer to the question. Btw, taking illicit drugs is against the law, and if pregnancy occurs, you could have a direct effect on the unborn baby, one that could make that baby chemically dependent on that particular illicit drug. Illegal drugs and sex don't mix.

What are facts about prescription drug abuse?

Taking prescription drugs may be even destructive as illegal/illicit drugs do. Taking prescription drugs for several reasons can be very risky because a user will eventually fall to addiction. Prescription drug abuse may also have the same signs with illegal but there could be possibly more treatments to be given.

What do you need to make pcp?

you should not make PCP it is an illegal and illicit drug.

Is a drug illegal?

There are many drugs that are not illegal and many that are.

What is the most common illicit drug used by youth?

Cannabis is the most common illegal drug used by youth.