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Q: What drug was substituted for alcohol during Prohibition?
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Is there any prohibition in The Great Gatsby?

The Prohibition created another opportunity for Wolfshiem to begin a brand new shady endeavor, which he ultimately hooked Gatsby into. Because alcohol was outlawed, it was harder to come by(obviously); however, in the 1920's you could get alcohol as a prescription drug and drug stores were allowed to carry it. So Gatsby and Wolfshiem opened up numerous drug stores together and made a profit by selling alcohol under the table. This is where all of Gatsby's wealth comes from (or so it's inferred), which enables him to throw the parties, which increases his "popularity", et cetera, et cetera...

It was difficult to enforce the laws governing prohibition for all the following reasons except?

Many reasons made it hard to enforce prohibition rules. Some of these reasons included large organized gangs of illegal alcohol drug traffickers, ease in smuggling in alcohol from Canada, and home breweries. Limited police manpower and crooked politicians compounded the problem.

Is alcohol considered an illicit drug?

Yes, alcohol is a drug. However, alcohol is not an illegal drug. Alcohol is a legal drug like caffeine.

What is the only drug known to kill during detox?

alot of them but weed can not kill you but it can mess up your brain- this is from a 15 year old btw

What is the drug in alcohol?

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, or ethanol) is itself a drug. They are really adictive and do bad stuff to your body.

Did Mary Travers have a drug or alcohol problem?

No, Mary has never had a drug or alcohol problem.

Is cake flavored vodka a drug?

All vodka contains alcohol. Alcohol is a drug.

What class is alcohol?

Alcohol is a class A drug.

Is alcohol a recreational drug or a poisonous drug?

Recreational Drug.

What kind of drug is alcohol considered? is a mood-altering depressant and depressant is a type of drug. - People die from alcohol poisoning from excessive ingestion of alcohol. Often, alcohol is not considered a drug because it is "legal"

Is lager a drug?

Lager is a category of beer and thus contains alcohol. Alcohol is considered a drug.

What does it mean by drug and alcohol rehab?

Drug and alcohol rehab refers to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. People who trying to quit drinking alcohol or taking drugs sometimes go to a clinic for help in doing so.