

What drugs do you have to be addicted to take methadone?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What drugs do you have to be addicted to take methadone?
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Related questions

Is it ok to take methadone and then percs?

That would be defeating the object. If you are on a drugs program, they will slowly reduce your Methadone prescription and provide other support if needed.

Do doctors give people methadone that are addicted to tylox or Oxycontin?

Methadone is used to treat people who are addicted to opiates such as oxycontin. Many people enter treatment facilities and take methadone to help themselves to get off the opiates and eventually detox from the methadone.

How can people avoid becoming addicted to drugs?

don't take drugs.

What treatment often cause addiction?

There are a couple of scenarios that come to mind. One is when you are given drugs for an addiction to other drugs. Someone may start out addicted to heroin and end up addicted to methadone from the clinic. Another situation is when someone has severe pain and they get addicted to narcotic pain medication.

Can you get addicted to methadone from one pill?

Not likely.

Can you take bactrim and methadone together?

You should contact your doctor before mixing these drugs, but Methadone is not listed as a drug that interacts with Bactrim.

Can you be normal again after taking drugs?

No,you can't. Eventually YOU will get addicted to drugs,and that is bad. The best thing is don't ever take drugs.

How can you make sure that you never become addicted to drugs?

Simple. Never take them.

How can you pass a methadone test?

Refrain from using drugs and methadone.

What other drugs will make you test positive for methadone?

what other drugs can make you test positive for methadone

Can you be addicted at birth?

Yes, babies born to mothers who are addicted to drugs are often born addicted to the same drugs themselves.

Are people addicted by drugs?

No, not all people become addicted to drugs. It depends on the type of drugs as well as the type of personality the person has, which makes some people more likely to become addicted than others.