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Q: What eats a naked mole rat?
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Does naked mole rat have hair?

No. That is why it is called the "naked" mole rat.

Scientific name for naked mole rat?

The scientific name for the naked mole rat is Heterocephalus glaber.

A life cycle of a naked mole rat?

it's just a mole rat a naked one.

Is the naked mole rat a vertebrate?

Yes, the naked mole rat is a vertebrate. It belongs to the Phylum Chordata, which includes all animals with a spinal cord or backbone.

The head of naked mole rats in a colony?

The head of a colony of naked mole rats is a queen naked mole rat.

Is the naked mole-rat a mole or a rat?

Neither. Though naked mole rats are rodents, they are much more closely related to animals like guinea pigs and porcupines.

What is the class for a naked mole rat?


What animals with a n?

naked mole rat

Is naked mole rat omnivores?

unlike the other moles the naked mole doesn't eat worms

What is the life cycle of a naked mole rat?

I don't know but ha ha i said butt that's what you smell like if your on this site

What animal stars with a n?

naked mole rat

Where can you buy a naked mole rat?

At a pet store