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Q: What eats off dead human skin?
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What is a tiny creature living off dead human skin?

a dust mite

Are all human skin cells alive?

Skin cells are constantly replacing themselves. The ones that are dead fall off or are washed off the body.

What is called the dead skin cast off by a snake?

The dead skin cast off by a

Does the human body lose skin?

Yes, dead skin falls off as new skin is formed to keep people looking cleen, without this process most people would look like dead people at 20 !

Why is pumice a good use for rubbing off dead skin?

pumice is rough and it pulls off dead skin. :)

If you pick your nose and eat it does that make you a cannibal?

Yes, you are.Snot is made from dust, which is made from dead skin that drops off you every day. By eating it, you are effectively eating dead human skin, hence you are a cannibal.

how often do you get dead skin?

dead skin cells come off your skin VERYY often u lose over millions of dead skin cells a day!

What is human skin made off?

Tiny human cells

What is the word for cut away dead skin?

DEAD SKIN.. The process of removing dead skin and scabs or what your mum used to call "picking your scabs off " is called Debridement.

Can nipple have dead skin?

A nipple, just like anywhere else on the body, can have dead skin. Dead skin is the result of old skin sloughing off in order for new skin to grow. Try some nipple cream if the skin is itchy.

Is a prawn herbivore?

no a prawn is a decomposer which means it eats off of dead animals

Does your skin grow back if you pick it off your face if you have sunburn on your face?

The skin that you're picking off is dead skin. Yes it grows back.