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Parrots in the tropical rainforest eat seeds, worms, and plants. Parrots in the tropical rainforest are omnivores. I hope that helps you.

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11y ago
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11y ago

wow it links it here and there is no answer >.< uhh

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12y ago

Small wild cats, usually.

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Q: How do parrots adat in the tropical rainforest?
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What do bears eat in the tropical rainforest?

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What forest does a parrot live in?

Parrots are found in warmer climatic zones. They live in temperate zones right through to tropical areas.

Consumers in the Tropical Rainforest?

There are a lot of animals that are considered secondary consumers, such as parrots, monkeys, etc.

What animalsplantsinsects and arachnid live in the tropical rainforest strata?

There are thousands of plants, insects, animals, and arachnids living in the tropical rainforest. These animals include macaws, butterflies, anacondas, spider monkeys, toucans, and parrots.

Do parrots live in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes parrots live in the rainforest.

What type of animals are in a rainforest?

there are parrots and toucans who live in the rainforest. there are parrots and toucans who live in the rainforest.

How do parrots adapt to the tropical rainforests?

they fly away from any predator that comes its way

What eats banana trees in the tropical rain forest?

Monkeys, parrots, fruit bats, and various insects.

Which layer in the rainforest do blue and yellow macaws live in?

Scarlet macaws can be found in the tropical rainforests in the Emergent layer.

What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.

What is the geography of the tropical rainforest?

The answer of the tropical rainforest is ....