

What eats the fer de lance?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What eats the fer de lance?
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When was Fer-de-Lance - comics - created?

Fer-de-Lance - comics - was created in 1988.

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What tybe is Fer-de-Lance?

It is a snake

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What is a fer de lance?

A fer de lance is a highly venomous pit viper snake found in Central and South America. It is known for its aggressive behavior and potent venom, which can be fatal to humans if not promptly treated. The fer de lance is responsible for a significant number of snakebite deaths in its range.

What continents are the fer-de-lance snake and the emerald tree boa found?

The fer-de-lance snake is found in Central and South America. The Emerald Tree Boa is found in South America.

Does the Fer-de-lance make a great family pet?

No, the fer-de-lance, a viper with potent venom, would probably make a horrible family pet -- unless you had some serious issues with your family.

What is a fur d lance?

A Fer-de-lance is a venomous snake found in central and South America, and Asia.

What kind of animal is a fer-de-lance?

A fer-de-lance is a species of highly venomous snake. See related link for a photograph. Specifically a comparatively large Central and South American pit viper.

What are the ratings and certificates for Fer-de-Lance - 1974 TV?

Fer-de-Lance - 1974 TV is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 Iceland:12 Norway:15 (video rating) West Germany:12

Which snake would win if a bushmaster fought a fer de lance snake?

It is difficult to predict the outcome as it would depend on various factors such as size, age, and health of the snakes. Both species are highly venomous and aggressive, and a fight between them could be deadly for either snake.

How much does a fer de lance weigh?

ten thousand million trillion billion